Qmatic is a leading company in optimizing customer experience in the face-to-face customer touch points and we harmonize the customer journey from online channels into the, face to face meeting by using our market leading Customer Experience Management (CEM) platform - Orchestra.

Gemalto formed in June 2006 with the objective of becoming a leading company in digital security. Gemalto develops secure software and operating systems, which we embed in billions of trusted devices of many kinds. The embedded software and products include many kinds of payment cards, travel passes, secure eBanking devices, authentication tokens, machine identification modules (MIM), and secure ID documents including ePassports, eID and eHealth cards, as well as eDriving licenses.

The Dutch company A.E.T. Europe B.V. (AET), founded in 1998, is committed to IT security. AET offers ingenious solutions based on worldwide accepted standards for e-commerce and information security by developing cryptographic middleware and card management systems.

Основанная в 1983 г. компания Shuttle Inc. (штаб-квартира) базируется на Тайване и имеет широкую международную сеть дочерних компаний, реселлеров, партнеров и поставщиков. Компания Shuttle Inc. является признанным ведущим разработчиком и производителем компьютеров малого форм-фактора (SFF) и аксессуаров. Компания Shuttle выпустила первый коммерчески успешный SFF-компьютер и продолжает способствовать развитию данного сегмента на рынке путем расширения линейки продуктов XPC. За прошедшие годы различные идеи и новые разработки компании SHUTTLE заслужили множество наград и положительных отзывов от независимых средств информации и аналитиков, что подтверждает превосходное качество продуктов и инновационность решений. Следуя лозунгу “We Create”, с 2010 года компания Shuttle шаг за шагом перевоплощала ноутбук в бизнес модель путем создания модели New Notebook Ecosystem, основанная на стандартизированной материнской плате. В 2011 году компания Shuttle представила сервис для малого и среднего бизнеса BTR (Build-to-Request)

Ascertia is a global leader in delivering functionally rich, easy to deploy e-security solutions. The company focuses on digital signature creation, verification, timestamping and secure archiving products as well as eID validation.

Valimo mobilizes digital IDs. Valimo Mobile ID allows mobile phone users to securely authenticate, digitally sign documents, and confirm transactions and payments, simply by entering the PIN code they have chosen. The multipurpose solution combines strong security and ease of use, enabling new mobile service concepts and more efficient processes.

PrimeKey is the world's leading open source PKI (public key infrastructure) company. PrimeKey Solutions AB was founded in 2002. An open source security software pioneer, PrimeKey provides enterprise class solutions to key public and commercial sector clients worldwide. Organizations turn to PrimeKey's open source software platforms to implement security solutions such as: e-passports, product authenticity, document signing, digital signatures, unified digital identities and their associated high speed and high availability validation.

SafeNet is a leading global provider of data protection. For over 25 years, Fortune 500 global corporations and government agencies have turned to SafeNet to secure and protect their most valuable data assets and intellectual property. SafeNet’s data-centric approach focuses on the protection of high value information throughout its lifecycle, from the data center to the cloud.

Identive provides secure identification (Secure ID) solutions that allow people to gain access to the buildings, networks, information, systems and services they need – while ensuring that the physical facilities and digital assets of the organizations they interact with are protected. Company leverages the core identification technologies to offer a comprehensive range of Secure ID solutions for the Consumer ID, Employee ID, Citizen ID and Asset ID markets.

MOBOTIX AG is a supplier of digital high-resolution and network-based digital video security systems. MOBOTIX camera systems use digital data transfer over computer networks. The decentralized system architecture developed by MOBOTIX provides for image processing to take place in the actual cameras rather than in the central PC.

Raytec is among world leaders in LED lighting. We manufacture a complete range of Infra-Red and White-Light LED illuminators for CCTV and Safety Critical applications.

Founded in 2004, we design and manufacture high-definition surveillance solutions that deliver the best evidence. Our open, industry-leading HD network video management software and megapixel cameras are reinventing surveillance by providing the world’s best image quality. With our open components you can customize your own powerful, scalable and cost-effective surveillance solution. With all of our hardware and software designed and manufactured in Canada, you will always get the best quality and the most reliable products in the industry.

XQAND GmbH was founded by Marco Schottke in 2012 as a spinoff of ExuS Technology AG. We offer an innovative solution for the setting up, commissioning, monitoring and maintenance of video surveillance systems.

TASER International was founded in September 1993 and has remained committed to providing solutions which Protect Life, Protect Truth, and Protect Family. Our industry leading Conducted Electrical Weapons(CEWs) are used worldwide by law enforcement, military, correctional, professional security, and personal protection markets.

SmokeCloak A/S was established in late 2001. With operation in more than 50 countries throughout the World and more than 20 years of experience SmokeCloak is the market leader within fog solutions. Whether it is about reducing losses in the initial minutes of a break-in or reducing personal risk at fire training sessions our fog solutions provide instant safety.

Established in 1991, SIEZA, s.r.o. is a leading Czech company providing services connected with supplying and installing integrated security systems. Our integrated security systems comply with the most strict security standards. They are used in state administration buildings, industrial complexes, private buildings and anywhere where special attention needs to be paid to security and the function of the security system.

Our products have contributed to a number of “world firsts” including the first driverless straddle carrier container port, surveillance radar for security and airport surface movement, as well as radar-based road tunnel monitoring systems. Navtech technology is making an impact on safety and security all over the world, from the avoidance of traffic collisions, the protection of national or critical installations such as airports and data centres to minimising industrial incidents. New applications for our products are being discovered and proven all the time.

Irisys, is a global leader in thermal imaging, people counting technologies and real time queue management solutions. Irisys infrared arrays are used by many of the world’s leading retailers, banks, transport hubs and leisure facilities to improve customer service, operational efficiency and profitability.

CTS Cashpro designs, develops and manufactures integrated products for cash processing. Our expertise is in cash recyclers. At the forefront of the cash recycling industry, our cash processing solutions have made banks and retailers all over the world more efficient and more cost effective. Our job is to ensure that your banknotes get processed and recycled, efficiently and safely.

De La Rue is the world’s largest commercial banknote printer and passport manufacturer and is a trusted partner of governments, central banks and commercial organisations around the world. De La Rue also produces a wide range of other security products, including tax stamps, authentication labels and identity documents and manufactures high speed cash sorting and banknote inspection equipment.

Focusing primarily on the banking sector, Talaris has a 40 year heritage of innovation in cash management, delivering a comprehensive range of technology platforms including cash dispensers and recyclers, note and coin counters.

Being one of the leading European companies in this industry, Stacke is one of the particularly successful developers with pioneering innovations in an always-exemplary design; patents, utility models and many first certificates give evidence of exemplary engineering. Company jeadquarter located in Aachen, Germany

With over 40 years experience as a provider of cash processing solutions, the company has acquired invaluable insight on every cash handling segment. The combination of SCAN COIN's advanced technology and industry knowledge ensures that its solutions make cash handling easy and economically viable.

Masterwork Automodules has a great tradition and reputation for refining and optimizing existing technologies to offer higher performance, greater reliability, energy efficiency and better user experience.

KONSMETAL is the leader of the Polish mechanical property protections market and a renowned manufacturer of safes, multi-safes, strongboxes, metal cabinets, cabinets for documents, as well as night depositories and vaults in Europe. The most important customers of the company are mainly public institutions, banks and other financial institutions, large trade and service enterprises, as well as private companies and individual customers.

GLORY is a pioneer in the development and manufacture of money handling machines and systems. GLORY provides a variety of products built on its leading-edge recognition/identification and mechatronics technology, such as money handling machines, cash management systems, vending machines and automatic service equipment.

G&D can look back on a successful company history of 160 years. Initially, G&D specialized in banknote printing and the supply of security paper and machines for banknote processing. Gradually, the company branched out into other security technologies, in particular into the areas of smartcards, electronic payments, personal identification, Internet security, and special security solutions for mobile technology.

Gamma Center is a provider of complex solutions for financial institutions, retail sector and other organizations and companies for cash handling solutions and safes. Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Moscow, Russia with its distribution network compiled with more than 550 partners and dealers across Russia and CIS countries.

Format Tresorbau GmbH & Co was founded in 1989. Today the company is one of the leading safe specialists in Europe. The acceptance of Format safes throughout Europe is based on the consistent application of our exclusive quality standards: sophisticated technology down to the last detail, top-quality workmanship and functional design!

DoCash located in Hamburg, Germany, is a trademarked manufacturer of professional quality and state of the art equipment for cash handling. DoCash as a German based company works with research and development department of Russian company Gamma-Center which has been developing and marketing cash handling equipment since 1992.